Saturday, 10 March 2012


 is also called electromotive force(force to drive the current).it is a quantitative expression of the potential difference in charge between two points in an electrical field. The greater the voltage, the greater the flow of electrical current through a conducting or semiconducting medium for a given resistance to the flow. Voltage is symbolized by an uppercase italic letter V or E. The standard unit is the volt, symbolized by a non-italic uppercase letter V. One volt will drive one coulamb (6.24 x 1018) charge carriers, such as electrons, through a resistor.
                           In other words that voltage is a force which drive the
current. suppose that the current flow is like the water flow and the voltage is the force which drive the current/water. current always flow when it have some force(voltage). let us consider that we have two tanks of water having the equal/same water having hole in the tank and connected through pipe mean two tank having same water level connected through pipe. the water in the tank give no response and have the same water level. if we place one tank to a higher position and other in lower such as different potential difference. you will see that the water from higher potential/position flow to the lower potential/position. in the same way as a water current will flow only from higher potential to the lower potential. when the current in the zero potential difference(difference between two levels/points) no current flow through it.

Hope you have some idea about the volage thank you for reading my article


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