Friday 9 March 2012

Structure of Matter

structure of matter

Here i will give you the basic concept of structure of matter. the structure of matter is very simple to explain firstly you will see the diagram of structure of matter. you see that the matter is certain substance when we see its structure we will see its basic particles like atoms. All the matters is composed of atoms .
what is atom ?
this is a question which arise in everyones mind now I will tell you that the atom is the smallest unit of matters which have three basic particles called electron proton and neutron (other than these there also many sub particles but these three are the fundamental component of atom ).
Nucleus(collection of proton and nuetron) lies in the atom is in center of atom and electron is revolving around the nucleus in the same way as our earth revolving around the sun electron.

As we see in the diagram the centeral element of atom which consist of positively charge proton and have the neutrally charge neutron or we say that neutron have no charge in it.
neutron have no charge in it so it is not show in the diagram the positivly charge proton and negatively charge electron attract together and make the net charge is zero in an atom

This is about the complete behavior of charges that the charges I will tell you in the 3 simple easy and interesting points

             If we place two electron closed to each other they are repel each other
    • If we place two proton closed to each other they repel each other
    • If we place one electron and one proton closed to each other they are attract each other
Dear friends i am not going in detail for the structure of matter i give you the basic overview of the structure of matter as my blogs name suggest it is all about the electronics so in the further article step by step i will going on the topics and techniques of electronics theorems laws and study the basic components their behaviour and many more         if you like my articles please comment and thank you for reading my article I try my best to improve my articles please give me your suggestion thank you again


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