Friday 23 March 2012

Importance Of Resistance

                              As you know resistance is the oppostion of charge. Now my question is why we use the resistance ?
What happen when we not use the resistance ?
These are the question i will tell you in this article. Now i am talking in ideal condition when we have a source(ac or dc) such as battery for dc are connected both terminals with wire having zero resistance. then are short circuited and the battery will be burn. you think why you believe in my words. yeah are not believe on me but beleive on the simulation you will find out the results like this.

you will see that when wires are connected to battery having no resistance unlimited amount of electrons flow through it and they have blast and battery is finished.
now i will show you when we connected the resistor what is the behaviour of the circuit. Lets see

aaahhh you have been seen that the battery source is not blast afer connecting the resistor electrons move smothly and and control the speed of electrons.
AS i will tell you that the current flow is like water flow as water flow easier path in which no resistor accur in the same way current/electron follow the path in which no resistance found when we connected the two path such that one path have a resistor and another have not. then what is the behaviour of current. and how it effect on battery see it in the diagram below

ooohhh you will see electrons follow the easier path and have shorted. the battery connected to it is burnt. hope you will understand what i want to say my article that resis is very important to control the current and voltages in my future post i will tell you current divider voltage divider but now you will see that when we connect resistor in both paths then what happen to it.

you will again see when we connected some resistance in the path of electron they force called voltage drop across the resistors and there is no effect in batery the battery is smoothly discharge.
i hope you understand my article if you have any problem related this article the please comment i will reply back to you as early as possible.
thank for reading my article ......


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