Saturday, 24 March 2012

Introduction to Simple Ciruits

hello friends!
how are you ? i hope fine 
well now today i will tell you about some basic circuits such as
  • open circuit
  • short circuit
  • series circuit
  • parallel circuits
these are the basic introductory circuits which you need to know about these circuits first and then you will be able to construct or understand the higher circuits. in these circuits only the electron flow direction which is very simple. 
now i will tell you about the

open circuit

                         As the name suggest that open circuit have such a circuit which have opened. in other words we have to say that they have opened and can not complete the path of electron to flow. now i will show in the diagram below 

you will see that we make a circuit in which we connect the switch battery and a resistor when the switch is open no current flow through it because the switch disconnect the path of flow of electron. and the electron is static and voltage drop across the circuit is zero. you will see in the diagram 

yeah you will see that the voltage drop across the resistor is zero. because no current flow into it.

short circuit
                                   when we closed the switch the path of electrons is complete and current is flow through it you will see what happen when we short the circuit use only switch and battery

you have seen that when we short the circuits without connecting the resistance battery and switch is burnt because electron flow speed is very high and we have not controlled the electrons speed.
this is the reason when we short the two wires(positive wire and negative wire). the electron burn the battery(source) due to its high speed. that's why we are not short the negative and positive wire.

series circuit
                          In the series circuit we see that all the electrons flow in series it is not divide. In other words we say that we have a pipe and water (electrons) are flow through it. the force to move the water (voltage) is divide in the series circuit. now you have seen that electrons remain the same and voltage is divide into the series circuit. the below diagram clear your concepts of series circuit.

you will see that we have 9 volt battery source and we connected bulb and resistor the voltage drop across the resistor is 4.5 and voltage drop across the bulb is 4.5. current flowing through it is 0.45 ampere. you will see in series ciruit current is not divided but the voltages across the bulb and resistor is divided. 

Parallel Circuit
                                      In the parallel circuit the current is divide and voltages remain the same. for concepts in the parallel circuits we have a pipe which is subdivided and water have multiple paths to flow through it.
the force called voltage remains the same in parallel circuits but the current is divided you will see in the simulation diagrams

You will see that in parallel circuits first the current is 1.80 amperes after division current is 0.90 amperes on both sides but the voltages across the two paths remain the same 

 after reading this article we will come on a point that in series circuits current is same and voltage divides and in parallel circuits voltage remains the same and current divides.

hope you will like my article. if you have any confusion regarding this article please comment. 

Thank you  for reading my article


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