Wednesday, 15 August 2012

part 3 chapter 1

3.3  Induced Voltage on a Conductor Moving in a Magnetic Field 1.       If a conductor moves or ‘cuts’ through a magnetic field, voltage will be induced between the terminals of the conductor at which the magnitude of the induced voltage is dependent upon the velocity of the wire assuming that the magnetic field is constant. This can be summarised in terms of formulation as shown: eind = (v x B) l          where:         v – velocity of the wire         B – magnetic field density         l– length of the wire in the magnetic field 2.       Note:...

chapter 1 part 2

II.   Eddy Current Loss 1.         A time-changing flux induces voltage within a ferromagnetic core. 2.         These voltages cause swirls of current to flow within the core – eddy currents. 3.         Energy is dissipated (in the form of heat) because these eddy currents are flowing in a resistive material (iron) 4.         The amount of energy lost to eddy currents is proportional to the size of the pathsthey follow within the core. 5.         To reduce energy loss, ferromagnetic core should be broken...

chapter 1 part 1

Introduction to Machinery Principles   CHAPTER 1 Summary: 1.   Basic concept of electrical machines fundamentals: o  Rotational component measurements §  Angular Velocity, Acceleration §  Torque, Work, Power §  Newton’s Law of Rotation o  Magnetic Field study §  Production of a Magnetic Field §  Magnetic Circuits 2.   Magnetic Behaviour of Ferromagnetic Materials 3.   How magnetic field can affect its surroundings: ·      Faraday’s Law – Induced Voltage from a Time-Changing Magnetic Field. ·      Production of Induced Force on a Wire. ·      Induced Voltage...

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